Keep patients and profits in house.

Introducing Nomad, an innovative team of traveling oral surgery specialists is redefining how dental care is delivered.

Emphasizing convenience, efficiency, and continuity of care, Nomad bridges the gap between general dental offices and specialist oral surgery services. This approach enhances patient retention and facilitates a seamless experience, eradicating the need for patients to seek surgical services elsewhere.

This mobile oral surgery model is poised to revolutionize dental healthcare, allowing dental practices to retain a percentage of patient procedure revenue rather than losing it through external referrals. By providing surgically trained assistants and necessary supplies, Nomad ensures high-quality specialist procedures within your usual dental practice, thus creating a win-win situation for the practice, the team, and most importantly, the patient.

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Our Model.

The Nomad model revolutionizes oral healthcare by offering traveling oral surgery services. We enhance patient care and increase dental practice revenue by conducting specialty treatments within familiar dental offices, eliminating the need for external referrals.

Additionally, we manage all aspects of oral surgery, from providing assistants and supplies to carrying independent malpractice and liability insurance. With this innovative approach, Nomad is transforming patient experience and streamlining dental practice operations.

Are you looking for the next adventure?

Nomad is on the lookout for skilled oral surgery specialists to join our dynamic traveling team. We offer a unique opportunity to make a real difference in oral healthcare accessibility. If you seek an exciting alternative to traditional oral surgery practice, consider reshaping the future with Nomad.